Mittwoch, 16. August 2017

Update chaos warband

And the third one. Weapon servitor. I will build another one with close combat weapon.

New Mutant

I think I am in love with strange mutant technology. 

This will not be a big army but maybe an INQ28 warband with 5 to 7 characters.

Sonntag, 13. August 2017


Its lurking through the ruins of the former hive city on Vulga Magna

Freitag, 11. August 2017

Servo- snail

Traq'mons trusty servo

Traq'mon the dealer

Traq'mon once served the noble house Dalaanas chief of the loading bay on one of their smaller trading vessels.
When an accident crippled his arms and legs, the ships techpriest restored and enhanced him so he could still serve onboard.

After the ship discovered Taeibu IV he expierienced the local drug „Flaa“ and quit his duty immediately.

Traq'mon now himself hunts the rare Taeibueian desert snails for their glands which produce the base for „Flaa“.
Meanwhile he has become one of the chief dealers oft the drug… as well as one of it´s fiercest addicts.

Dienstag, 8. August 2017

Ghost Ark

My new project will be 1000 points of necrons. 
It will be a desert/nomad themed army and I will use the kharadron overlords minis.  
First one is my Ghost Ark. A taurox conversion with a chewinggum trailer 

Heavy Lifter

Lets start this blog again with my heavy lifter. 
My first npc for the Planet Vulga Magna